Security and Patrol

Security and Patrol - Advanced K9 Solutions

Our operators ensure the security of people and facilities, primarily acting as a preventive measure. The presence of a trained canine during patrols serves as a powerful deterrent, dissuading even the most daring intruders, trespassers, and attackers from approaching an area or targeting anyone guarded by a K9 unit. Utilizing K9 units can significantly reduce the security budget, as their exceptional senses can detect movement over large distances, eliminating the need for sophisticated, high-end technology equipment. We operate according to specific protocols and always within the bounds of constitutional law.

Our K9 security and patrol units offer a reliable, cost-effective, and lawful solution to ensure the safety of your people and facilities.

Benefits of Our K9 Security and Patrol Services

Security and Patrol

Enhanced Security

Provide a strong deterrent against potential threats with the presence of a trained canine

Security and Patrol


Reduce the need for excessive manpower, expensive security technology and equipment

Security and Patrol

Exceptional Detection

Canine senses cover large areas, detecting movement with remarkable accuracy

Security and Patrol

Lawful Operations

Minimize expenses associated with lengthy and labor-intensive inspections
